A lot of times when I meet people and tell them what I do for a living they comment on how I don't look like a computer geek. I'm always a little unsure on how to take that. My glass is half full though so I usually take it as a compliment! There are, however, some ways I do fit the typical 'creative' stereotype and those are that I don't enjoy getting out of bed early (10am is optimal), I get my best work done during the hours of 10pm-2am, and sometimes the best way to get in touch with me is via email or IM.
Yep... AOL. As soon as I discovered the internet it started to consume the majority of my free time. While browsing WWF chat rooms I would notice 'progs' scrolling the chat room, putting on games, and various other 'l33t' things. This made me curious and the next thing I knew I had Microsoft Visual Basic installed and I was on my way to creating my very own l33t programs. After making numerous annoying chat room programs I moved on to making websites on some super sweet Lycos and Tripod free hosting. This seemed to keep my interest the most so I started reading more and creating more sites. After a couple years I realized I could see myself doing this as a career.
After graduating high school I made one big mistake - I went to college.
Wait, did I just say that? Yes, that's right. I wish I didn't go to college.
I have a degree from Collins College in Tempe, Arizona in visual communications. Want to know how many clients and previous employers have ever asked where I went to school? Zero. Thats not necessarily why I think going to college wasn't the right choice for me, it's just worth pointing out. I often tell people that if I had to do it over again I'd take out a small personal loan to pay my rent and bills with for half of a year or so and just sit at home with books and get real, hands on experience doing programming. I think I'd have learned more, owed less money, have consumed less time, and still be qualified for the same jobs I was able to find after graduating college.
Having lived in Arizona for the majority of my life, I was ready for some change. In August of 2008 I had the opportunity to relocate to Newport Beach in beautiful Orange County California and, without hesitation, I took it. Sure the ground may shake a little more than I'd like, but it's a great place to live. So I've been out here a while freelancing full-time. I always love talking with potential clients so please contact me if you have any freelance or even full-time job opportunities.